Highly Compressed Source [LINEAGE][ANDROID][TWRP]

Edited on October 21, 2018

What the fkuc this ?

Its a heaven for those who have slow internet/limited bandwidth :3

Basically its a Highly Compressed Android Rom source

Date: 21-10-2018

How to extract ?

cat *.tar.xz* | tar -xvJf - -i


THREAD_COUNT_SYNC=Number of your CPU Threads

echo -e "# Installing necessary packages..."
sudo apt install bc pxz wput
echo -e "# Installed"

echo -e "# Installing repo..."
repo init -u $LINK -b $BRANCH --depth 1 -q
echo -e "# Installed"

echo -e "# Syncing..."
repo sync -c -f -q --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune -j$THREAD_COUNT_SYNC
echo -e "# Synced"

echo -e "# Starting Compression..."
export XZ_OPT=-9e
tar -I pxz -cf - * | split -b 4500M - $ROMNAME.tar.xz.
echo -e "# Compressed"

echo -e "# Uploading..."

echo -e "# Done"

Thanks to regalstreak For his amazing Script

Wanna donate?